A Vizsla is not a dog - it's a furry person

- Stella Mc Cartney -


Who we are

Based in Cape Town - Durbanville, we will start breeding with our two Magyar Vizslas Amber and Zsarnok in 2023. Our Kennelname Cerstinborough is registered with KUSA, the South African Kennel Union. As a KUSA affiliated Kennel, member of the South African Rainbow Hungarian Vizsla Club and member of the VUV (Verein Ungarischer Vorstehhunde) in Germany our ethics are strong and we will follow strictly not only the KUSA guidelines but will implement some of the far more restrictive European standards into our guidelines.


Our Story

Moving from a small town in Lower Saxony, Germany to Cape Town in August 2021 was the beginning of a new life....


Our Vizslas

The two Vizslas Amber and Zsarnok are the foundation of our new adventure:


The Cerstinborough Vizslas...

Our Vision

- To maintain this breed in all their wonderful characteristics in South Africa for the future -


We are completely dedicated to the breed of the Hungarian Vizsla and strongly believe in the typical characteristics of this breed: ....


Where to find us:

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